IT People Solidarity Basket

At IT People we recognize the importance of carrying out community contribution actions and, therefore, we integrated a solidarity component in one of our initatives.

In partnership with @ESOESTE, we donated 1 kg of products per each employee to CASA - Centro de Apoio ao Sem Abrigo (Support Center for the Homeless) whose mission is to help those who are homeless or belong to families at risk or families in need, providing food, clothing, and social reintegration services.

There were about 170 kg of fresh products, which will be used in the execution of hot meals for the homeless population and integrated in the food baskets delivered to families at risk or in need. 💚



#ITPeople #ITPeopleInnovation #NextReality #ITPeopleSolidária #SocialResponsibility

Showcooking IT People

At IT People the well-being of our team is our priority!

Therefore, we brought to them and to their familys' table a solidary basket of fresh products.

But that wasn't all: we've promoted a showcooking with a nutritionist , who shared with us some practical, healthy and delicious recipes to cook the products received.

Hungry? Only to achieve more distinctions together!

#ITPeopleGroup #ITPeople #ITPeopleInnovation #NextReality #AlwaysInnovating #InnovatingTogether #WhatsNext #Showcooking #IdE2021 #SomosExcellence


International Womens Day IT People 2022

Happy Women's Day

Today and always we celebrate and acknowledge all the talented and inspiring women in our ITPeople family. 💚

On this International Women's Day we share some of the faces of our protagonists of change and innovation, who walk the path of equality, diversity and equity with us and are proof that #awoman'splaceiswherevershewants!

Happy Women's (Every)Day!

#ITPeople #ITPeopleGroup #ITPeopleInnovation #NextReality #AlwaysInnovating #InnovatingTogether #WhatsNext #ITPeopleGirlPower

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